Protect our youth from becoming victims of alcohol, drug, sexual abuse and violence by making a donation that will be distributed among the various programs we put in place to ensure our youth obtains quality education and leads healthy and positive lives.
We are committed to helping our youth stay on track by offering various programs in the areas of education, health and community development. We offer secondary and higher education scholarships allowing them to complete their studies. Our health center offers general medicine, dentistry services, serious illnesses treatment and prevention as well as public health programs aimed at distributing reliable and desperately needed information and raising awareness about serious illnesses and other issues such as unwanted and teenage pregnancies.
We also run a youth club that engages our boys and girls in sports and arts activities with the objective of creating a positive learning environment, teaching them important life skills and ensuring they grow as a person as they play the sport they love, take guitar or dance classes.
Our personal development and skills training program is designed to help them make relevant, positive and effective life choices and decisions for their future to enable personal empowerment and allow them to have a positive impact within their family and community. Our team of psychologists and social workers receive referrals from schools and health centres and work to help the youth facing difficult situations to overcome them.
Your donation will cover the costs of running the various programs described above.